

Not all of us have open space to locate solar panels.

If the roof of your home is facing the optimal direction, this can be enough to power your complete house. Or just partial depending on this orientation towards the sun.

An additional option is a smaller vertical wind turbine, which captures more power from the wind at much lower speeds.
These turbines are virtually silent and provide top up of energy, where solar direction is a challenge, working all hours of the day. With such a set-up, you can increase the number of batteries, and can use the energy directly when it’s produced during the day. Using the energy to connect the always on items such as a fridge, run the washing machine during the day on a timer, these are effective ways to use the power when it is generated. The extra energy is available from the batteries when you require.
Adding 1-2 solar thermal (water) panels to capture the thermal energy to pre-heat your water. Highest percentage of energy consumption is for heating the home and water. This pre-heated water is stored in a tank before being used in heating the house, and remains available for hot water in the home. There is a surprising amount of heat these panels produce and even in spring/ winter days, the thermal energy is effective in raising the base water temperature.
There is a huge amount of energy consumed to raise even 1 degree of water temperature. You can appreciate the effectiveness of these overlooked options, how they reduce the energy consumed in your home.
Use timers to turn on your devices when you need them. These simple to implement solutions save you a lot of energy. The high-tech approach is to use smart home link devices to power on and off devices as per your time at home.
Solar and wind energy can power an EV, usually connected at night. Adding more solar panels is straightforward if you have planned for future expansion

